Thursday, May 20, 2010


It's late but I'm usually up late so its not that unusual. The funny part is, I've traveled before. I've been from Russia to Haiti, Japan to France and so many places in-between.

I've been to war.

So is it ridiculous that I'm nervous about heading off to Ireland?

It's not like when I went to France, stepping into the University with barely a word of French under my belt. I'm not so worried about being in another country or a place I don't know. It's not what's in front of me that has me anxious but instead what I'm leaving behind. I'm afraid my dog, Dorian, will be miserable without me. Or that he'll run off looking for me. I'm worried my puppy, Freya, will forget me. I'm nervous my fiance will become a bit too happy with the bachelor-like life.

But, in the end, I'm stubborn as a bull. Or perhaps as much as an Alaskan Malamute (I will miss you, Freya!). I've dug my heels in and refuse to be pulled by the leash. I've set my mind to go. I've set my mind to experience another once in a life time opportunity. So I will go not because I have to, or because people are expecting me to. I go because I'm afraid and simply because I've decided to.

And ask my fiance. Once I make up my mind, I'm a tough girl to deter.


  1. Is it too soon to miss you? You would think I would be used to you traveling all over the world by now! Oh by the way great profile picture! Love ya MA

  2. I knew at 7 you'd be a writer - and now a photographer too. AND world traveler. To say the least, I'm impressed. You have a wonderful time and glean all the experience you can out of life. I see that you already are. Hawaii next?
